Tuesday 12 June 2012

Blue Cheese and Rosmary white sauce

Hey!!! long time...
Awesome sauce I happened to whip up a while ago that surprised my palette.
*1 tbsp Butter- melt in a small pan (medium heat) then add:
*1 tsp Dried Rosemary- fry lightly, let the aroma fill your soul... then add:
*½ tsp black Mustard seeds
*½ tsp Oregano (specifically Origanum syriacum if possible)
*3 tbsp Blue cheese (i.e. Stilton but any will do), Slowly mix and melt while gradually adding-
*2 cups Milk. When all is mixed evenly and smooth take-
*1 tbsp Cornflour (mix with a bit of cold water/milk)- add cautiously while whisking to the required thickness- Remember the Cornflour thickness gradually.

Enjoy and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me what you think... ;)

Wednesday 4 April 2012

Comments please ;)

Hallo All.
I've been struggling with blogger a bit- The option to comment didn't show and there is quit a bit I wanted to share with you- I felt I needed to hold myself back. Kind of: whats the point if I cant hear what you have to say about it? Right? So now, you can. And please do so if you already read things here that made you think this way or another. Subscribe to this blog and check this space 'cause I'm going to offload all these things I held back onto ;)

Tuesday 27 March 2012

Silver & Crystals

Heeeeeyyyyy... got to share with you some pics of my latest.

Got the crystals from a friend of my mum- she asked 'make something of it for me'. Took me a while to figure it out- but here it is ;) I Like! do you?

Sunday 12 February 2012

Salt Art

From March 2011:

"And finally I got to take some pics of my not so latest work which I wanted to share with you guys for a quite while now. Some time ago I came across a book in the library that showed in details how to craft items from salt dough. Epic. I made some that reaped ample complement and satisfaction.

My first piece was a box, made of 6 squares, all with holes all round, which i have painted with water colours. The 'lid' (if you will) is attached with a spring made of a thick'ish copper wire and the rest is holding up together by a thinner wire just wrapped round holes of two neighboring squares. Then  a bit more copper wire swirls motifs here and there....
Check out the rest....

Diary Cover

this one is from feb 2010:

Some time ago I made myself a black leather cover for my diary- Simply because the picture on it annoyed me!

A friend of mine saw it today and wanted one as well- so we came to my place and had a look on various fabrics and leather scraps I got...       
- she decided on the tan leather suede side and a button to match. Stunning comb, I must admit it much looks better than my black leather one. I might just make myself a cover for something out of that. So here is how we did it.

List Of Items:
Diary, book, notebook- Whatever.
Large enough piece of leather.
Contact Adhesive.
Leather hole punch.
Surface to cut on & a scalpel could help as well as a good steel ruler.


So here is a personal highlight (from March 2010)- I like it spicy- play with how much Chilli you'r adding. 
Here it goes

2 tblsp Olive oil
2 Red Onions sliced
2 Garlic cloves thinly sliced
2 Bay leaves
1 tsp Ginger
1 tsp Coriander
1 tsp Chilli (or not)
½ tsp Nutmeg
Salt & Pepper
4 large juicy Red Capsicum
½ cup Dry Red Wine
Few strings of Saffron (optional- recommended)
2 lt. Veg Stock

Fry the onions & the garlic in olive oil until it starts sweating. Add all the spices (apart of the saffron). Let the whole thing become! Take a shape- you know- bond. Add the Capsicum and cook until the juices are almost completely evaporated, now add the wine and once thats starts bubbling  add the saffron. Cook for 5 more minutes before adding the veg. stock. You may want to wiz (as in a mixer) the whole thing into a smooth soup; I love it just like that chunky and defined. Serving suggestion: with a dollop of sour cream &  fresh baguette.

Tell me how you liked it. I'd love to get a pic so we can see how you chose to serve this (sorry i don't have one, because I've done it at work ;/)...

Thursday 9 February 2012

A Shift To A Personal Level

I have decided to take a turn and make this blog a more personal space. So I will be posting here a bit more often about whats going on in my life, crafts, recipes and anything that comes to mind. During the weekend I will import previous post and pictures I posted on other places. More than happy to hear your feedback and any comments or questions you have. So keep checking this space... ;)

Thursday 5 January 2012


A friend of mine-Jo and myself have made a resolution- to take care of our face. We have planned in advance and mapped out the different steps and stages we want to take to achieve this. As you can see in the title of this post we even went as far as naming this resolution. FACE VALUE. I love that name.
Now i don't pretend to be an expert when it comes to skin care and products but is seams to me that certain people mapped out skin care routine with a hidden agenda- other than just guiding the consumer, this routines are designed and constructed to maximise sales. (Booooo!!!)
And so...
FACE VALUE is about listening to your skin and knowing what to do about it. Its about making an educated decision with regards to the product you use and no, price is not really an issue as most of the high-end pricey product don't consistently live up to their claims. Chances are you can probably find as good product in the 'cheap' section if not better.
between Jo and I, we each came up with a routine we felt will be good and chose the products we want to use. each of us came up with a different routine and different product. Again- its about reacting to your individual skin and not necessary following what the 'posh' and 'expensive' dictates.
We would like to hear from you what works for you what products you like and why. feel free to comment post links to vids and products you find helpful.
Below are some of some of my favs:
Paula Begoun- Paula gives good information and guide lines as to how to take care of your skin with the aid of her products or others. Also you can subscribe to beautypedia- a free product review tool. Very educating.
Wayne Goss- a makeup artist that does not conform! (hooray!) Nice short vids packed with skin care and make up tips, recommendations, reviews, and tutorials. Awesome!