What & How Much

iBrows - £5.00
Carefully designed to frame your face and finished off with threading to a flawless finish.
(We also offer gradual reconstruction for those that frankly had their eyebrows ruined somehow and don't want to get super bushy before having their eyebrows looking iBrows again).
*please don't book an appointment if it collides with your feminine days, unless you enjoy the pain that is.

The Wolverine - from £3.00
Facial hair: Be GONE!  
upper lip, chin, sideburns, etc.
*please don't book an appointment if it collides with your feminine days, unless you enjoy the pain that is.

Manicure Perfect - £7.00 
Discounted price- limited time only
 What it says... 
includes a relaxing hand massage and a clear coat 

Get Feet - from £15.00 
Discounted price- limited time only
 includes a relaxing foot massage and a clear coat
           *the price above can vary, price will be finalised upon visual examination.

Also available AVON products and brochures. Click here and 'like' us there.